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GA 2015: ‘ABU Digital Strategy’ to be finalised soon

The ABU Technology has taken stronger steps to increase online collaboration with members through more webinars as well as the initiation of work on finalising the ABU’s Digital Strategy which aims to help reduce the digital divide among members.

At the opening session of the Technical Committee (TC), the ABU’s Secretary-General Dr Javad Mottaghi highlighted some of the major activities carried out by the ABU Technology in the past year. He mentioned the initiatives taken to engage the members in the Pacific and Central Asia which are now reaping rewards. This was followed by brief welcome remarks from the host by Dr Zeki ÇİFTÇİ, the Deputy Director General of TRT-Turkey who outlined the changing media landscape and how TRT is trying to keep up with the rest of the world progressing forward. The session was opened by TC Chairman Mr Masakazu Iwaki of NHK-Japan.

ABU Technology Director, Dr Amal Punchihewa, highlighted the activities carried out in the past year. His report also presented a summary of main issues that the broadcast industry is facing and some of the challenges lying ahead.