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GA 2015: The ABU 100th Administrative Council approves the strategy of the Union

The historic 100th Administrative Council of the ABU was held in Istanbul in conjunction with the 52nd ABU General Assembly.

The meeting was hosted by TRT, in the oldest studio in Turkey, located in the Istanbul building of the national radio. The councilors planted a tree in the garden of the Turkish Radio to commemorate this landmark meeting.

In his welcoming remarks, the Director General of TRT, Mr Şenol GÖKA stressed  out the importance of creating co-productions between Asian countries, which share  common historic and cultural values. “I believe that more stories  can be told when we share the enthusiasm of all present at this historic  meeting.”

The ABU President, Mr. Cho Dae-hyun, expressed his confidence that with such a devoted board and committed Secretariat the heart of the ABU will continue to beat strongly.

The meeting approved the strategy of the Union to be voted during the first day of the GA.

The Administrative Council is the executive board of the Union. It consists of 14 members from the Full and Additional Full members and meets twice a year to plan the ABU over 100 annual events and activities.