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GA 2015: Vulnerable people need special attention during early warning communications

ABU is a strong support of gender, Ms Chrissie Tucker, Manager Diversity at ABC Australia said at the opening session of the 4th Women With the Wave: Broadcasting For All Conference.

Other speakers included Ms Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General who pointed out that in media, we must provide equal participation for men, women, young people and those with disabilities. This mind-set, she added, is in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as set up by the United Nations.

Ms Daniela Bas, Director of the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs-UNDESA said that the role of media is becoming more important in today’s world of turmoil, terror and disasters. Media and broadcasters should work in a global context and no one should be left behind.

Speakers from public and private broadcasting organisations from Asia and beyond expressed their views during the eight sessions of the forum. Ideas and experiences were exchanged among participants on different issues such as inclusion of women and diversity in media, importance of disabled persons in content and portrayal of women across Muslim countries.

It was stated at the forum that disabled persons are the guardians of content in media and very often they lead the story. These persons together with women, children and elderly people should be given special attention during disaster preparedness campaigns. They must understand clearly the various communications and must be able to evacuate at any time in any circumstances.