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GA 2015: Two new recommendations adopted at ABU Technical Committee

The annual meetings of the ABU Technical Committee(TC) concluded with its final day of meetings on 28-Oct. The Committee adopted two new recommendations on subjects related to new updates to EWS2.0 implementation and character set for digital radio applications.

The second and final day of the ABU Technical Committee commenced with the keynote presentation by Dr Egon Verharen, Chairman of EBU Technical Committee, from NPO, Netherlands. The Keynote Presentation was titled “How the EBU deals with Technology Challenges and Opportunities for Public Broadcasters”. His presentation also highlighted the advancements in technologies such as networking and software on future media.

This was followed by the Technology Debate on “Future Media Delivery will be only on IP”, the panel included technical heads from member organisations and industry experts who presented their views on the new media delivery platforms of the future-Is it going to be only IP or would the traditional broadcasting models still play significance role?

The morning session concluded with the presentations from the Topic Area Chairpersons providing updates on the ongoing study projects and key areas of development taking place within the study groups. Also related to this area was the presentations on ‘New in Study Groups’ which made focused presentations on selected topics such as spectrum, API, HDR, new features of EWS, character set for digital radio and updates from DRM Consortium.

The other highlight of the day was the session presented by TRT as host organisation. The session, moderated by Mrs Hanife Sayllir, Chief Engineer of Information Technologies Department at TRT, looked at some of the advanced technology implementations taking place within TRT. The topics included Hybrid TV, EWS research studies, Digital archives and audio description technology implementation within TRT. The session provided some fascinating insights on how far TRT has progressed in terms of embracing new technologies to improve its services to the public. It is important to note that TRT is playing on level grounds with some of the most advanced broadcasters in the region and around the world.

The last session of the day presented some useful information including new member introductions, and partnerships with other international organisations and sister unions.

Mr Sunarya Ruslan of RRI-Indonesia was appointed as the new honorary Vice-Chairman to the TC.

The Technical Committee meetings with its forums and interactive sessions provided a strong networking atmosphere for the members to discuss on specific issues and developments within the industry. This year over 150 delegates representing broadcasters, media experts and professionals within the region and others around the world attended the meeting.