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ABU 2016 RadioAsia Conference, Radio Song Festival and Media 2020 – Three exciting events confirmed for April 2016 in Beijing

RadioAsia is the only international radio programming conference of its kind in the Asia-Pacific. The theme for the 2016 conference to be held on 25 April in Beijing will be “Let’s Talk Radio”. The conference will address radio creativity with a new perspective, and how these will add to the development of the radio industry in the years to come. 

The 4th ABU Radio Song Festival will also take place in Beijing on 26 April, the second day of the conference. This is a highly rated event which brings together radio singers from many countries. The selected singers will come to Beijing and perform at a gala performance event. This is a unique cultural event which exposes the hidden singing talent in the region, providing opportunities for their advancement.

The Media2020 Conference will also take place in Beijing on April 27, in conjunction with RadioAsia2016. The theme of the second edition of this conference is “Taking the Media Forward”. The Media2020 Conference  is the confluence of broadcasters from Europe and Asia, a platform to network, keep in touch and benefit from each other’s experience.

The three events will take place in Beijing, China, hosted by China National Radio (CNR).

The Conference programme and other information can be found at