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GAMAG holds its first General Assembly next month in Geneva

The Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG) will hold its first General Assembly from 7 to 10 December 2015 in Geneva. The ABU, Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union is one of the founding members of GAMAG and is presently its Vice-Chair.

High-level participants from over 50 countries are ready to join in the dialogue on gender equality in media. The General Assembly will be held in conjunction with the International Development and Cooperation Meeting on Gender and Media.

The main objective of the twin events is to initiate dialogue about an international development cooperation framework on gender and media.  

A pre-meeting online dialogue will soon commence to exchange idea on key ingredients for an international development cooperation framework on gender and media.  

In order to facilitate the information circulation and to present the current achieved outcomes to enhance gender equality in and through media, UNESCO and GAMAG have launched a website dedicated to the events, which goes live today.

The web address is Important new features will be gradually presented during the following three weeks.

As the events are approaching rapidly, the registration forms of both events will be closed very soon. To join the dialogue, register for these events by following the links below:

If you will attend both events – or if you will attend GAMAG General Assembly only –