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Broadcasters applaud WRC-15 decision securing future of free-to-air broadcasting

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) welcomes the landmark decision by the ITU’s World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15) on the use of the UHF band.

Representatives of over 150 governments took the decision that UHF spectrum will remain broadly allocated to terrestrial TV services in ITU “Region 3″* well into the future. Delegates reached this conclusion after deliberations over whether the lower UHF frequency band (470-698 MHz) should be retained mainly for broadcasting or also identify IMT.

Representatives reached a consensus that this spectrum, currently mainly used by broadcast services such as digital terrestrial TV [DTT] and radio microphones, is too important to be identified to IMT. They agreed that there would be no regional wide IMT identification in the 470-698 MHz band (excluding a few southern island countries). This added security will enable many countries in ITU Region 3 to continue with their digital switchover programmes without the risk of an impending change in use of the spectrum.

The ABU appreciates the strong support to broadcasting shown by the national administrations and highlights the fact that such decision will provide regulatory certainty, and act as an incentive for further investment in DTT.