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Asiavision Non-Linear Editing Workshop Kuala Lumpur (February 2016)

The first capacity building workshop hosted by Asiavision took place on 15th-19th February 2016 at the IPPTAR multimedia room.

The workshop was attended by 20 participants from 17 different countries. The participants’ roles varied from Assistant Head of News to News producers and reporters. 

The list of member organisations that participated are as follows:

  Country         Organisation                      

  1.         Brunei RTB                
  2.         Bangladesh BTV                
  3.         Fiji FBC                
  4.         Hong Kong TVB                
  5.         India DDI                
  6.         Iran IRIB                
  7.         Japan NHK               
  8.         Malaysia                 RTM               
  9.         Maldives               PSM                
  10.         Nepal NTV               
  11.         Philippines ABS-CBN       
  12.         Sri Lanka SLRC              
  13.         Thailand MCOT             
  14.         Turkey TRT                
  15.         Turkmenistan TVTM            
  16.         Uzbekistan MTRK            
  17. Vietnam VTV                 

The members of the training team were Mr. Choi Ki Hong, the head trainer who formerly belonged to Korean Broadcast System (KBS); Assistant Trainer Mr. Yoon Hee Jin, cameraman at KBS and Ms. Joanne Kim, AVN Project Officer as the translator.

Participants were required to produce and perform a video presentation that included the effects and transitions as taught by the trainer during the five day course. The contents and the lengths of the video were left to be decided by the individuals. The outcome of the presentation was impressive, with many of the participants being able to apply the skills attained during the workshop to their work.

The general feedback on the workshop was positive, with room to improve on workshop facilities and efficiency of content delivery. According to the feedback survey, the overall satisfaction score averaged 9.3 out of 10.   

Asiavision is planning its 2nd NLE workshop, hosted by one of our members in July 2016. Our attempt to improve the Asiavision news quality will be continuous. Any suggestions or requests are welcome by our members.