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ABC-Australia encourages more women in the technical workplace

The Australian public broadcaster wants to attract the very best female talent and provide greater opportunities’ in a technical workplace. ABC is offering eight women across Australia studying a technology-related discipline an invaluable hands-on opportunity to experience the fast paced and rapidly evolving broadcast media environment.

Acknowledging International Women’s Day #PledgeForParity, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation launched the 2016 Women in Broadcast Technology (WIBT) Scholarships. ABC Technology employs technologists based in all eight states and territory capital cities and provides scholarship opportunities’ at all of these locations.

This unique opportunity includes a $1000 book allowance and four weeks paid work experience alongside leading technical engineers in our nation at the ABC.

As well as ambition and a passion for the industry, the other essential pre-requisite we’re looking for is that our female applicants are currently enrolled in an electrical or communications engineering, electro-technology or computer systems/shared technology related course at TAFE, University or Registered Training Organisations.

Deputy Director of Technology, Margaret Cassidy said “Women are under-represented in technology teams across Australia. As an equal opportunity employer, the ABC aspires to nurture a diverse and people-focused culture.”