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Channel NewsAsia explores China and South Korea for ‘The Collaborative Economy’

“New World without Strangers” – This is an ecosystem built upon the sharing of human and physical resources between individuals. At heart, it is a marketplace for the exchange of ideas, experiences, used goods and under-utilized spaces. But that is not all. It has also re-defined physical spaces, human relationships and communities, notions of ownership and, perhaps our lives in general.

Travel host, Henry Golding, embarks on a journey across South Korea, China and Singapore to discover how “The Collaborative Economy” has transformed the way people shop, meet, eat, sleep and relate to one another. 

This 10-part series debuts with an insight on how home-sharing platforms have opened up private homes and turned them into shared spaces.  The producers find out how the sharing of private spaces has re-defined people’s travel experiences in terms of their encounters within a city, and also with its people.

The programme will be aired from 4-6 April 2016.