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Plan for a National Public TV Service in Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC) which currently operates a number of radio services throughout the country is now planning to develop a national public television service.

New Zealand and Australia are collaborating with the islands’ national broadcaster to implement this challenging project.

The Consultant is Mr. Gregory Drummond of Telemedia Consulting Ltd, formerly Director of Broadcast and Media with Sky Television New Zealand who has also worked for Television New Zealand. The SIBC Directors have already decided to commence with a pilot television service as soon as possible to establish a presence in the TV market and also enable staff to be prepared for the main project.

The pilot service could be operational before June. SIBC expects that around 50 percent of the population will be served within the first five years of the TV service and other population centres will be provided access soon afterwards.

SIBC has also proposed to Telekom Television Ltd to support the project.