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Prasar Bharti teams up with TRT for content collaboration

Indian public broadcaster Prasar Bharati is set to sign a memorandum of understanding with Turkey’s state broadcaster TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation) for content collaboration. Turkey is expecting to export content to India worth $20 million by 2018. The country’s first television export to India, ‘Feriha’, on Zindagi is well received by the Indian audiences. It is watched by an average of 36 million viewers in India each week.

A Turkish delegation is currently in Mumbai to stitch content deals and promote collaboration between India and Turkey in cinema and television.

Turkey’s ambassador to India, Burak Akcapar said, “TheTurkish delegation is very encouraged with the initial response at the day conclave and Turkey is predicting content exports of $20 million to India by 2018.”

On the other hand, Turkey is one of the world’s leading original content producers in terms of dramas and exports content to more than 100 countries in South America, West Asia, North Africa and Asia. By 2023, its export business is expected to bring in $1 billion to the country.