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Media Meets Climate And Disaster Challenges

The 2nd ABU Media Summit on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) will bring together more than 200 media professionals, scientists, representatives of UN organisations, government agencies and NGOs involved in Climate Change mitigation, risk management and early warning in time of natural disasters. Held 12-14 May, 2016 in Krabi, Thailand , which itself suffered heavily by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, the meeting aims to align media actions with the global agenda set by the Sendai World Conference on DRR and the Paris Treaty on Climate Change. The Krabi Summit will also explore how to use the wide reach of broadcast media to raise awareness in vulnerable communities and make them better prepared for the negative impacts of climate change.

The participants will discuss the challenges facing media in reporting on changing climate patterns and the solutions that media can offer for adaptation to these changing patterns. The summit will build on the ABU commitment to put media on the frontline of climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and better preparedness for the most disaster prone region in the world- Asia-Pacific.  The organisers, ABU and ThaiPBS, together with their international partners are confident that the Krabi Summit can be a turning point for all the stakeholders in the DRR process.

The plenary sessions will focus on various issues including food security, wear security, the impact of climate change on developing countries, vulnerability, adaptation etc. 

Practical examples from ThaiPBS and BBC Media Action add to how, with limited resources, broadcasters can make a difference and provide important services to listeners and viewers in terms of knowledge of climate change issues. The session includes introduction to the ABU’s new Smart Communities concept and One Billion Coalition for Resilience, a ground-breaking initiative of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. 

NHK, Japan has a sophisticated system of providing rapid and relevant information and programming on natural disasters. An NHK team will provide an overview of the national broadcasting plan of action and the Early Warning Broadcasting System developed by the national public service broadcaster.

To register for the Summit and for a list of our distinguished speakers , please visit 

In addition to the more theoretical discussions, a practical hands-on workshop has been organised for radio and TV reporters, editors and producers.  It will train them on how to cover food security with focus on climate change and gender issues. The participants will have a field visit to Krabi Fishery Research and Development Centre and will produce news and short documentary features. 

Almost 30 programmes will compete for the ABU Awards on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction. The Awards will recognise exceptional achievements in covering climate change and disaster preparedness issues. These awards will be given each year for the best documentary aired on television or streamed over the Internet and will be connected to the ABU Media Summit on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction.