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ABU RADIO SONG FESTIVAL – A wonderful Gala Concert in Beijing

The 11th RadioAsia Conference held in Beijing ended literally on a high note with the touching performance of the world famous China National Radio’s children choir singing a popular folk song. The choir, dressed in pink, was the final entree in the 4th ABU Radio Song Festival. Before the little stars, singers and dancers from 12 countries performed songs chosen by the   listeners of the participating ABU member radio broadcasters.

The delegates of RadioAsia Conference enjoyed music ranging from the folk songs representing All India Radio and The Voice of Vietnam, to the jazzy Youth Never Ends piece, chosen by the listeners of the host organization – China National Radio. In between these performances were the powerful operatic voice of Atajan Berdyyev, who despite his love for classical music has chosen to represent Turkmenistan radio with a pop song, the `Latino flavoured number by the seasoned Romanian singer, Analia Sellis and relative new comers like Eastern & Phoe Paye chosen by Padamyar, FM, Myanmar.

Several of the performers sang their own songs with guitar accompaniment starting with the choice of the National Broadcasting Services of Thailand, known simply as Ome, followed by Bathool Ahmed from the Maldives and the rising Singaporean star, Ling Kai, favourite of the listeners of MediaCorp. The audience in the China Radio Concert Hall had the pleasure of listening also to the lively song performed by Josie Ho, who had a relatively short journey from Macau.

It was a varied, colourful and enjoyable show that put a suitable finale to another successful RadioAsia Conference. It was a night to remember with music crossing boundaries and bringing people together.