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33 programmes compete for ABU TV Awards on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

During the 2nd ABU Media Summit on Climate Change and DRR in Krabi, Thailand (12 – 14 May 2016) ABU is launching  Awards for the best programmes on these issues.

The response to the call for entry was remarkable with 33 entries in the two categories – 21 in the Climate Change category and 12 in the Disaster Preparedness and DRR category.

4 winners will be selected among the entries for 4 different awards: (1) Best programme on Climate Change (2) Best programme on Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction (3) Most Promising Programme and (4) Best Story.

The ABU Awards on Climate Change and DRR are attached to the ABU annual Media Summit on Climate Change and DRR. They will recognise exceptional achievements in the production and broadcast of the best films on climate change adaptation and disaster preparedness.

Winners of the first awards will receive a cash prize of USD 1500 when they are honoured during a Gala Night in Krabi, Thailand on 13 May 2016 on the side-line of ABU Media Summit on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction from 12 – 14 May 2016.

This is the second edition of ABU Climate Change and DRR Summit. The title for this year’s summit is Media Meets Climate Change and Disaster Challenges. It is hosted by the Thai Public Service Broadcasting.

To register for the Summit and for a list of our distinguished speakers, please visit