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FACES is a global initiative led  by a committee consisting of both NHK and its partners, aimed at addressing the issue of bullying on a global level. Bullying has become a common problem in many countries, and digital communication tools have a decisive role in its spread. Millions of children around the world are victims, and also active agents of bullying, while bullying is seen to have dramatic consequences for those involved, including a growing number of suicides. 

‘You are not alone, you can get out of it.’

In order to deliver this important message, FACES collects testimonies from many countries and different cultures all over the world. In addition, testimonies will not only come from kids and youngsters, but also from young adults and even elderly people who will tell us how they overcame bullying during their own childhood. 


A great number of testimonies gathered from partners around the globe will embody the project’s aim. The testimonies, each two minutes long, depicts the diverse lives and experience of a wide range of people, of various ages with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds from all over the world, who have successfully managed to get out of an oppressive bullying situation. 

The testimonies will be available through two mediums (TV and online): the International Program Exchange Scheme and the Online Portal. 

There is no participation fee required for this project. 

For more information on the format for producing the testimonies, please refer to the project brochure attached below:  

For further inquiries, please contact:

Mr Manabu Kado                                                                

Mr Hitoshi Furukawa                               

Ms Miho Yoshimasu


Ms Hanizah Hamzah 

Mr Hamdhoon Rashad