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Media with crucial role in Disaster Risk Reduction

The 2nd ABU Climate Change and DRR Summit hosted by Thai PBS in Krabi,Thailand has focused on the role of media in raising awareness about environmental issues and risk management. Experts, scientists and media professionals shared their thoughts and experiences regarding Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction.

Chris Field, professor in environmental studies of Stanford University, USA, noted that modern science has no doubts that global warming is real and that it is man made. He added that there are some positive developments after the signing of the Paris agreement last year. In his words “there is technological ability to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions which now has to be combined with political will.”

Other speakers stressed the necessity for media to translate the scientific knowledge into positive practices.  Experts were unanimous that the efforts of all countries, rich and poor, developed and developing were needed to mitigate the effects of Climate Change and to reduce the risks associated with disasters. Media professionals shared the concern that broadcasters often do not have time or resources to cover environmental issues.

Representatives of different countries shared their personal experiences and knowledge. It was noted that it was vital for all shareholders in DRR to work together in the face of multiple challenges so that they can together find possible solutions. The discussions continued with detailed analysis of different issues ranging from food and water security to migration. The participants reached the conclusion that it is far more efficient when media is engaged in covering human stories and not just processes and tendencies. The speakers touched on the need for all DRR solutions to be inclusive and not to leave behind women, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable communities.