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China Radio International strikes deal with Jamaican public broadcaster-PBCJ

China Radio International (CRI) has entered into an agreement with the Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica (PBCJ) to share educational content, documentaries and a television series produced by the Chinese media entity, to be aired in Jamaica.

The documentaries will highlight the culture and lifestyle of Chinese people, which falls within the focus and mission of the PBCJ to promote culture and heritage alongside with values and attitudes.

Given the variety of cultures that make up the Jamaican populace, the content will broaden the scope of content aired on the TV channel.

CRI has provided enough documentaries to be aired over a seven-week period, but the TV series could be cut short if the PBCJ is unable to secure funding to purchase additional episodes. The Research and Training Institute of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT), has agreed to work alongside the PBCJ to assist with procuring funds to continue beyond the initial seven weeks.