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ABU Radio Drama Workshop

ABU RADIO DRAMA WORKSHOP: Audio Drama for the Digital Age
26-28 July 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Radio drama is a content driver in radio broadcasting, one which provides an immersive experience to audiences and attracts their attention. 


This workshop will share key milestones in the commissioning and creative journey of audio drama, sharing practical strategies and options, SWAT analyses, support and mentoring.

Through an intensive 3 day interaction with key practitioners, we will examine how Audio Drama and other forms of fiction (structured reality, Faction etc.) can be timely and effective through utilising a range of factual, structured and fictional formats to create compelling audio drama for the digital age.

The genre of Audio Drama will be introduced through 3 primary questions: What? Why? How?


Present options, possibilities and follow-on online mentorship to equip ABU’s partners with sufficient knowledge to assess both why and how Audio Drama can be central to growing new markets in terrestrial and new digital markets.

The workshop will expose the participants to many types of radio drama themes, creation of scripts, sound effects and all other aspects of drama production. The workshop will provide much needed exposure and training to the creative staff of ABU members in further enhancing radio drama in their own stations.


We are pleased to invite your organisation to participate in the ABU Radio Drama Workshop in Colombo. Participation in this event offers a great opportunity for your attendees to benefit by the exchange of experience and high-level professional ideas.

All the costs on the participation will have to be borne by your organisation.

The workshop will be held at the Renuka Hotel in Colombo:

Kindly fill the attached hotel registration form to book your room and forward it to

For more information, please contact: 

Mrs Vijay Sadhu
Head of Radio Programming