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WBU Joint Position on WIPO Broadcasters’ Treaty

Unions Stand Undivided on the Protection of Broadcasters’ Online Signals
Ahead of the 34th SCCR scheduled to take place from May 1st till May 5th, 2017 in the WIPO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the Asia – Pacific Broadcasting Union as part of the World Broadcasting Unions’s working group for the Broadcasters Treaty stands undivided on the inclusion of broadcasters’ online signals within the scope of the Treaty and most of them in a mandatory manner. 
The following seven regional broadcasting associations/ unions representing more than 2000 broadcasters all over the world have endorsed the Joint Position :   

ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union)
ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union)
AUB (African Union of Broadcasting)
CBU (Caribbean Broadcasting Union)
EBU (European Broadcasting Union)
IAB (International Association of Broadcasting)
NABA (North American Broadcasters Association)
OTI (Organizacion de Telecommunicaciones Iberoamericanas) 

For the Joint Position, click here.