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Prasar Bharati wants more transparency in DD’s prime slots

Doordarshan (DD), the public service broadcaster in India is auctioning its prime time slots. Among the production houses contesting for the prime time slots are Balaji Telefilms Ltd, Cinevistaas Ltd, Keylight Productions, Optymistix Entertainment Private Limited, Shakuntalam Telefilms, Rash Productions Private Limited, Contiloe Entertainment Private Limited.

Jawhar Sircar, the Chief Executive Officer of Prasar Bharati said that “The slot auction will usher in an era of transparency for DD. If we get through this, it will be a major victory for transparency. This is the first time we are going for open bidding”.

Completing all the procedures and formalities by mid-September, the successful bidder will be launching its programmes in the starting weeks of October. No increase in the slot free will be applicable in the first six months. However, there could be an increase of up to 10% for the next six months based on the formula prescribed based on gross viewership in lakhs. And it may also rise further to a maximum of 15% during the second year and 25% in the third year.