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Doordarshan sells movie slots

Doordarshan (DD), the Indian public broadcaster which is a part of Prasar Bharati, is auctioning its film slots. Five slots for the showcase of movies will be available on the public broadcaster per week. The policy will be modified when DD acquires movie rights for a single telecast, selling airtime to rake in revenues.

Jawhar Sircar, the Chief Executice Officer of Prasar Bharati commented about the development: “The auction of programming slots would bring in transparency. If we get through this, it will be a major victory for transparency. This is the first time we are going for open bidding”.

It is to be noted that, Doordarshan National showcases movies on Friday and Sunday on DD National and one other telecast on Monday. Planning to launch new programming in the beginning of November, DD has changed its norms for the sale of its primetime programming slots to private content companies.