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Emerging Technologies connected to OTT and IBB

ABU teamed up with AIBD and ITU in conducting the 4th Regional workshop on “Over-The-Top (OTT) and Integrated Broadcast Broadband (IBB) technologies and services for media” in Kuala Lumpur from 27-30 September 2016.

The ABU continues to lead the way in helping its members to make use of emerging delivery technologies. The workshop was attended by 60 participants from 20 countries who shared their experiences during 19 sessions over three days covering a variety of technologies, infrastructures and services connected with IBB and OTT. Panel discussions and questions helped participants to clarify their various issues. Twenty-one speakers representing ABU members both from broadcasting and solution providers, industry and regulators shared their knowledge and experiences in the three-day event with also a field visit to ABU member MediaPrima.

This was the fourth workshop in the series on IBB and OTT Technologies and Services conducted successfully since 2013.