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ABU 2016 General Assembly & Associated Meetings set to start tomorrow in Bali

Nearly 700 delegates from more than 60 countries are proceeding to Bali, Indonesia to attend  the 53rd  General  Assembly and its Associated Meetings from 18-26 October 2016. The theme this year is Media for the Future.

This most important annual gathering of the Union starts on Tuesday 18 October with the Sports Meetings. The TV Song Festival is scheduled on Saturday 22 and the ABU Prizes will take place on Monday 24. Delegates will go on excursion in Bali on Sunday 23 October.

The General Assembly will run from 24-25 October in Westin Resort Nusa Dua and this year in conjunction with these events a World Broadcasting Unions conference will be held on Wednesday 26 October at the same venue. This unique event, which gets together the crème de la crème of all broadcasting unions from across the globe, is devoted to the role of public broadcasters in the digital age. The theme is Beyond Public Service: Public Service Media in the Digital Age.