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GA 2016: New initiatives like New Media on the agenda of ABU Programming

As in the previous year, the list of activities implemented by the ABU Programming department is impressive. Near 50 events were organised during the 12 last months. The Programme Bureau met this afternoon and took stock of the main issues to be presented and discussed during the Programming Committee from 20-21 October here in Bali.

A New Media unit was set up in April this year. Today ABU has its own Facebook and Twitter accounts and many members became very responsive of such initiatives since content is today being consumed on different platforms. A New Media Task Group was also created where members could share their views on new strategies and initiatives.  Discussions will follow shortly on copyright and cyber security issues.

The ABU is also coming with new radio activities such as the Radio Drama Festival. The ABU Music Exchange (AMX) has successfully taken off and presently more than 10 members are active on this online platform for music and concerts copyright free programmes.

Concerning television, new initiatives have been taken recently. The ABU International Dance Festival will be held in January 2017 in Hyderabad, India and the ABU Asia-Pacific Song Contest is also scheduled  for  next year in China.