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GA 2016: ABU Sports elects three new Finance Committee members

The ABU Sports Group Conference ended with the election of three new members to the Finance Committee. The TVB Hong Kong, VTV Vietnam and ATN Afghanistan are the new committee members. They will serve the committee for the next two years.

The ABU Sports Chairperson, Jiang Heping congratulated the new members and expressed appreciation to the out-going members, KBS Korea, CCTV China and RTM Malaysia. He said the ABU Sports will continue to seek the experiences and the expertise of the outgoing members.

The Chairman also reminded the roles and responsibilities of the committee. The Finance Committee is constituted to review and monitor prudent financial planning and management, to ensure delivery of financial targets, and make recommendations to the Sports Group.

Over the past two days the conference saw several presentations – ranging from member’s stories to mega sporting events like the 18th Asian Games Jakarta Palembang, 2018.  There were also speakers from international federations and other sports right holders.

The highlight of Bali conference is the launching of the ABU Sports Network, a digital content sharing and distribution network among members. At least seven members have subscribed to the network as of now.

The ABU Sports will announce the host of the 2017 mid-year Sports Group Conference and related meetings soon.