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GA 2016: Generation WHAT? to be launched in Asia by 2018

This is a survey conceived for the young generation by broadcasters with the support of the European Broadcasting Union and UNESCO. Social media is a major component of the exercise.

The ABU programming department announced yesterday that such project forms part of the new initiatives to be implemented as soon as possible. Generation WHAT? was first launched in France some years back and the response was highly impressive with 80 million results across Europe. Young people aged between 18 and 34 are asked to answer more than 100 questions and all data received from the survey help broadcasters to produce and air programmes and documentaries related to youth matters, education and family issues.

Speaking at the Programming Committee meeting this morning, Mr Adam Sharpe, Consultant, Social and Human Sciences – UNESCO Bangkok said that broadcasters believe that Generation WHAT? can help to create  a new kind of television with this world transmedia programme.

It is reported that following the huge success in Europe, the project will be implemented as from next year in the Middle East and later in Asia.