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The ABU Legal Division (LD) provides a wide range of services anchored on its mission to protect, promote and advance the rights and interests of ABU and its Members in an effective and cost-efficient manner. Its main responsibilities are:

Promotion and protection of the broadcasters’ intellectual property rights
The rapid development in technology has created a regulatory imbalance in the broadcasting industry which exposes the intellectual property of the broadcasters to higher risk of piracy. The Legal Division and the ABU Intellectual Property & Legal Committee (IPLC) are working closely to ensure that the rights of ABU Members are amply protected and enhanced through the adoption of a new international treaty. Similar initiatives are being done at the local or national level during the revision and amendment of national copyright laws of some Members. The Legal Division also actively promotes and advocates the protection of broadcast signal against theft or piracy through seminars, workshop, multi-lateral forums and exchanges of vital information with regional broadcasting unions and industry associations.

Organising forums to enhance common understanding of legal issues
The Legal Division helps organise, conduct and participate in seminars, workshops and multi-lateral forums to create a better understanding among ABU Members of legal issues relevant to broadcasters in the Asia-Pacific region.

Protect ABU rights and interests in contract negotiation and documentation
The wide ranging programmes and services being provided by the ABU to its Members require the ABU to enter into various contracts and agreements with other parties and also with individual ABU Members. The Legal Division assists in ensuring that the rights and interests of the ABU and its Members are well-protected and advanced in all ABU agreements and contracts, including the sports rights licensing agreements with the International Olympic Committee and other sports rights holders.

Assist in revision of ABU Statutes, rules and regulations
The ABU Statutes, rules and regulations are constantly being revised and amended to incorporate changes necessary to achieve the objectives of the ABU and to promote and advance the rights and interests of its Members. The Legal Division
participates and assists in this process to ensure that the intentions and desires which the proposed changes seek to achieve are accurately reflected in the mandatory provisions. This is also necessary to properly harmonise the new revisions with the existing provisions in the ABU Statutes, rules and regulations.

Provide legal information and research
The Legal Division assists in providing legal information and research material, assists ABU during the General Assembly, ABU officers, Secretary-General, heads of the ABU departments and key ABU committees and working groups, particularly the Sports Group, and the IPLC. The Legal Division also conducts legal research and prepares position papers and statements with the advice of the IPLC to express and explain the position of the ABU on particular legal issues. It also publishes a fortnightly legal e-bulletin apart from contributing relevant news and featured articles on legal matters in the ABU Magazine and the ABU Newsletter

Represent the ABU in regional and industry bodies, forums and discussions
The Legal Division also represents the ABU at the World Intellectual Property Organization, the World Broadcasting Unions-Broadcasters’ Treaty Working Group, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations-Intellectual Property Alliance and other multi-lateral and bilateral forums, government consultative bodies, and business organisations in pursuance of the objective of the ABU to promote regional and international mutual understanding and cooperation through the medium of broadcasting.

Extend planning and logistical support in organising the annual ABU Intellectual Property & Legal Committee (IPLC)
The IPLC serves as a forum for ABU Members to learn and discuss relevant intellectual property rights issues, regulatory trends and other related issues that affect the broadcasting industry. The Legal Division helps in planning and organizing this annual event by coordinating with local host (ABU Member), inviting participants and speakers, suggesting relevant seminar topics and ensuring an organised execution of the programmes.

Quality Management and Standardisation
The Legal Division assists in organizing the Quality Management Workshop, which is held annually during the ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings.