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ABU President’s Message for the New Year

I extend my warmest wishes to all Asia- Pacific broadcasters for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.  

Throughout our history, we have always faced and accepted challenges. I trust 2017 will be no exception. More enormous challenges are awaiting us. Yet we will meet and fight them with our wisdom as we always have.

In 2017, KBS plans to launch terrestrial UHD broadcasting for the first time in the world, making Korea the only country to transmit 4K content over terrestrial channels on the 700 MHz band. With the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games before us, the plan is already drawing the attention of many throughout the world. We have a mountain to climb, and I look forward to sharing our story with you after successfully launching the UHD service and demonstrating Asia’s leadership in the digital age. 

ABU members are faced with different challenges. New philosophy and bigger changes are requested in the fourth industrial revolution brought on by the advances of digital technology. We feel the heavy weight of responsibility, but we need not fear. United under the ABU, we have conquered numerous challenges. Together, we can find opportunities in these difficult times. 

2017 is the Year of the Rooster. Overcoming the darkness of the night and heralding the dawn, roosters start a new day with us. My fellow ABU members, the ABU wishes to be your partner at the dawn of each day filled with hope in this Year of the Rooster. Happy New Year!

Mr Ko Dae-young
ABU President
President & CEO of KBS-Korea.