News      |      Events


15 ABU International Dance Festival Hyderabad, India
30 – 31 In-Country Workshop on New Innovations In Content Creation Colombo, Sri Lanka
2 – 4 ABU-BES Expo & Conference 2017 New Delhi, India
16 – 17 Generation WHAT? 1st Steering Group Meeting Bangkok, Thailand
23 – 24 African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) General Assembly Dakar, Senegal
6 ABU New Media Masterclass Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
6 ABU-IABM Engineering the Future: Asia 2017 Tom McGann Memorial Summit Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
6 – 9 ABU Digital Broadcasting Symposium Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
12– 13 ABU Broadcasting for All: Focus on Gender workshop Colombo, Sri Lanka
16 – 17 ABU/ASBU Broadcasting for All: Focus on Gender workshop Tunis, Tunisia
14 – 16 Asiavision Coordinators Meeting Maldives
ABU-ASBU DTV Training Tunis, Tunisia
ABU Prizes – Call for Entries Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ABU Radio Drama Festival-Working Group Meeting TBC
29 – 30 ABU Prizes Backpack Workshop (Radio) China
5 – 7 ABU Children Drama Co-Production – 1st Producers‘ Meeting Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4 – 5 ABU Technical Bureau Mid-Year Meeting Colombo, Sri Lanka
13 – 15 ABU Intellectual Property and Legal Committee Meeting & Central Asia Media Forum Tashkent, Uzbekistan
26 – 28 RadioAsia 2016 Conference Bangkok, Thailand
29 Planning & Strategy Group Meeting Bangkok, Thailand
29 ABU Programme Bureau Meeting Bangkok, Thailand
11 – 12 3rd ABU Media Summit on Climate Change and DRR Dhaka, Bangladesh
15 – 17 ABU Mid-Year Sports Conference & Related Meetings Hong Kong, China
15 – 20 4th AVN Workshop – Mobile Journalism Suwon, South Korea
CARE 7 – 2nd Producers&lrquo; Meeting TBC
19 – 20 ABU Administrative Council Meeting Hoi An, Vietnam
23 – 25 BroadcastAsia 2017 Singapore
6 – 9 WBU Technical Committee Meeting and EBU TA Germany
Generation WHAT? 2nd Steering Group Meeting TBC
ABU DOC (Documentaries Exchange & Meeting) TBC
29 – 30 European Broadcasting Union (EBU) General Assembly Dublin, Ireland
1 WBU Conference Dublin, Ireland
6 – 8 International Summit on Disaster Literacy Manila, Philippines
26 – 27 ABU News Group Meeting / Global News Forum Singapore
ABU-ASBU-AIBD Digital Radio Workshop Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ABU Children Item Exchange and Meeting TBC
ABU Children TV Drama – 2nd Producers‘ Meeting TBC
In-Country workshop for New Media TBC
27 ABU ROBOCON Tokyo, Japan
15 – 17 Pacific Media Partnership Conference Solomon Islands
11 Media 2020 + PBI Conference Bucharest, Romania
12 –13 Public Broadcasters International (PBI) Bucharest, Romania
11 – 16 5th AVN Workshop – Mobile Journalism Suwon, South Korea
26 – 28 ABU-AIBD Regional Workshop on OTT and IBB Technologies and Services for Media Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
30 54th ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings (Day 1)

  • Sports Broadcast Rights Committee Meeting
  • Sports Finance Committee Meeting
  • Sports Group Meeting
  • Radio Working Party
  • Programme Committee
  • Technical Bureau Meeting
  • Planning & Strategy Group meeting
Sichuan, Chengdu, China
31 54th ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings (Day 2)

  • Sports Group Meeting
  • Programme Committee 
  • Technical Committee
  • Meeting of the Presidency
Sichuan, Chengdu, China
1 54th ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings (Day 3)

  • Women With the Wave Forum
  • Administrative Council
  • Quality Management Workshop
  • Technical Committee
  • ABU TV Song Festival
Sichuan, Chengdu, China
2 54th ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings (Day 4)

  • Excursion
  • President‘s Press Conference
Sichuan, Chengdu, China
3 54th ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings (Day 5)

  • ABU General Assembly
  • Opening Ceremony & 1st Plenary Session 
  • Presentation of ABU Prizes
Sichuan, Chengdu, China
4 54th ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings (Day 6)

  • ABU General Assembly
  • 2nd & 3rd Plenary Session & Super Panel Session 
  • NHK Reception
Sichuan, Chengdu, China
Inter BEE Tokyo, Japan
ABU Radio Drama Festival Indonesia
CARE 8 – 1st Producers’ Meeting TBC
ABU Story-Telling Festival TBC
ABU Workshop on Engineering Fundamentals Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ABU-ASBU Network Technology Training TBC
4 – 7 World Summit on Media for Children (WSMC) Manchester, UK
ABU Workshop on Engineering Fundamentals Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ABU-ASBU Network Technology Training
Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) General Assembly Tunis, Tunisia