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Gender and Diversity Workshop in Sri Lanka

A workshop on Gender and Diversity in the Media was held from 13-14 March 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. It was a joint initiative of the ABU and the MBC-MTV with the support of UNESCO. The participants were mainly the board members and senior management officers of MBC-MTV and News 1st – the media arm of Capital Maharaja Organisation Ltd.  

The two-day workshop was conducted by Ms Chrissie Tucker, Manager Diversity at ABC-Australia and Ms Nishta Satyam from UN Women – UNESCO, Delhi. Several topics highlighting the importance of Gender Diversity at the work place were discussed. Ms Shanthi Bhagirathan, Group Director MBC made a presentation on the theme ‘Gender Diversity as Corporate Performance Driver’. Ms Nedra Weerasinghe, Group Director Electronic Media Business addressed the theme of ‘The 4th Wave in Media’. Mr Mohan Bharara, Group Director and CEO of Capital Maharaja Ltd as well as Mr Senerath Kapukotuwa, Group Director HR also addressed the audience.

Capital Maharaja Organisation Ltd is committed to bring into the work place the best practices and ensures that gender and diversity issues are highly respected throughout its programmes.