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Mediacorp-Singapore acquires New Studio Facilities

Singapore-based broadcaster Mediacorp has taken up residence at its new Mediapolis facility – a massive complex that houses all production facilities for the broadcaster’s seven television and 12 radio channels.

Key to its operational infrastructure is the VSM Broadcast Control and Monitoring System from German technical innovator, Lawo, which provides the overall control solution campus-wide.

Using the VSM System gives Mediacorp a high level of failure safety through its sophisticated redundancy, supporting its flexibility, workflow management and the time savings made in program preparation.

The Mediapolis studio complex is divided into four sections: Central, Radio, TV and News. The Central section is further subdivided in three areas: CMX (Ingest), DC (Distribution/Contribution) and Playout. The Distribution/Contribution section uses VSM’s Virtual Package Workflow to allow an actual incoming source (from OBs or downlinks) to become a virtual source and made available as such throughout the facility. If one device in the signal chain fails, the virtual signal is uninterrupted, leaving the signal flow intact while the device is switched or changed.(C+T Mag)