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1st Intellectual Property & Legal Committee

1st ABU Intellectual Property & Legal Committee takes place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The 1st ABU Intellectual Property & Legal Committee took place from April 13th till April 14th, 2017 at the Wyndham Tashkent Hotel in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. It was hosted by ABU’s Full Member –  National TV and Radio Company of Uzbekistan (MTRK). The two day event was held in parallel with the Central Asia Media Forum (CAMF). The IPLC was followed by a half day excursion to Tashkent’s major historical landmarks.  

Day One of the IPLC was the meeting which was a closed session for ABU’s Full and Additional Full members though non – members were permitted as observers upon request. It was attended by 15 delegates from 8 countries. Nawaz Dookhee – ABU Legal Manager opened the meeting while Mr. Ravshan Makhamataliev of MTRK Uzbekistan delivered the welcome remarks. Dr. Yan Bo, Chairperson of ex – Copyright Committee welcomed the delegates to the 1st ABU Intellectual Property & Legal Committee. During the course of the day, important matters such as ABU’s role in the deliberations of the Broadcasters’ Treaty, the revised consolidated text for the 34th SCCR and the roadmap for the upcoming SCCR were discussed. At the meeting, the participants also reported upon the important intellectual property and legal developments that took place in their jurisdictions during the year 2016 – 2017. This was followed by an overview of the projects to be undertaken by ABU’s Legal Division during the course of the year. At the meeting, elections for the position of the Chairperson were also held. Dr. Yan Bo, Deputy Director, Copyright & Legal Affairs Office, CCTV China was unanimously elected for a two year term as the Chairperson of the 1st IPLC. Dr. Bo had previously served as the Chairperson of the ABU Copyright Committee. During his speech, Dr. Bo stressed upon the need for increasing cooperation amongst all ABU members for protecting the broadcasting industry against signal piracy through the Broadcasters’ Treaty.    

Day Two of the IPLC was the forum which was an open session attended by 53 delegates from 10 countries.The theme for this year’s forum was Modern Broadcasting and Legal Challenges. The forum was opened jointly with the Central Asia Media Forum. Nawaz Dookhee, ABU Legal Manager delivered the opening note for both the events. The welcome remarks for the IPLC forum was delivered by Mr Khurshid Mirzakhidov, Chairperson of MTRK Uzbekistan. Dr. Yan Bo, Chairman of IPLC made the opening note. During the course of the day, presentations on burning legal topics was made by eminent legal academics, lawyers representing broadcasters and organizations working for the benefit of broadcasters. The presentations were succeeded by an enlivening question and answer session.      

Documents related to Day 1 (Meeting) of the IPLC :   

For the Agenda, click here.

For the presentation on the 33rd SCCR by Seemantani Sharma, ABU Legal & IP Services Officer click here

For country reports, contact Seemantani Sharma, ABU Legal & IP Services Officer at 

Documents related to Day 2 (Forum) of the IPLC :  
For the Agenda, click here

For the presentation made by Dr. Murray Green on Ten Trends that Change Who We Are and How We Work, click here

For the presentation made by Dr. Yan Bo on Opportunities and Challenges : Regarding Copyright Vantage and Protection of “Broadcasting” in All – Media, click here.

For the presentation made by Mr. Weng Calilin on the Contrast of Computation Mode on Damages for the IPR Infringement, click here. 
For the presentation made by Seemantani Sharma on Looking Beyond Copyright : Other IPR Issues in Broadcasting, click here.