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RadioAsia 2017: Pacific success story – FBC

Shammi Lal, Program Manager of Fiji Broadcasting Corporation talked about the success of her stations on the little pacific island of Fiji, which has a population of less than one million people. 

She outlined some of the challenges faced by FBC, such as “people replacing radio listening with personalised playlists on music streaming services.” 

Other challenges also include watching videos on smartphones, satellite and internet radio stations, and the advertisers sense that there is a changing share of ear. “Our share of advertising is affected by all these things.”

FBC also introduced Fiji’s first local tv station two years ago, and the radio FBC radio stations have had to adjust to the introduction of tv. Fortunately, since FBC owns the tv channel, the company’s radio stations have had the opportunity to make cross platform programs, whcih is helping drive audience share.

“We need to spend time thinking about what is happening in the industry and find the unique value of our stations to reposition radio for the benefit of the industry and our advertisers.

“People want personality and local insights. They want presenters who will become their friend. We try to ensure our radio stations give them that.”

The stations have risen to the challenge through activities inclluding promotional visits, sales visits and OBs to many towns.

The station has street frontage and each studio has a window that peopel can look in and see the broadcasters on air. The stations have used the windows to display messages, art work and other campaigns.

In a recent Easter promotion, hot crossed buns with station logos on them were given out at traffic lights. “We went up to the car windows, gave them to the audience through the window and asked please listen to us.”

The station has also recently embarked on a campaign to counter racial profiling and build inclusiveness for the Pacific island nation. In the campaign, Fijians spoke Hindi to give message of inclusion and Fiji indians spoke Fijian in messages of racial harmony.

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