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The Technology Department of the ABU undertakes wide range of activities addressing the current needs of the members. These activities are implemented by the Secretariat’s Technology Department.

5th ABU-AIBD Regional Workshop on Engineering Fundamentals for Broadcasters; 03-07 December 2018, Kuala Lumpur

Opening the Regional Workshop at IPPTAR Dewan Dynamik, AIBD Director Mr Chang Jin welcomed and gave a brief statistic of the participants and speakers present in the 5-days event. There were 36 participants from 14 different countries in the Asia Pacific including Africa. ABU Director of Technology, Mr Ahmed Nadeem, introduced the objectives of the training program that included broad array of topics such as Audio/Video basics, Production Distribution and Transmission Systems, Digital and Emerging Technologies including Online Delivery and Cloud Computing.

The training started with the session on Audio and Video Engineering Principles by Dr Mohieddin Moradi from IRIB. He went on to cover the details on Sound and Vision Basics, Analog to Digital Conversion with Compression Algorithms and different MPEG Video Schemes and Standards. Further concepts on Serial Digital Interface for SDTV, HDTV, UHDTV Production and Distribution systems were deliberated in separate sessions by him. On the third day, Dr Moradi briefed the participants about the latest media trends such as 360-degree video, Virtual reality(VR), Augmented Reality(AR), Mixed Reality(MR), 3D Audio Video, Ultra High Definition TV (UHD) phases and High Dynamic Range (HDR) Delivery.

A session on On-Air Chain was presented by Mr Shree Bhadra Wagle from ABU with the concept of Workflow of Audio and Video signals throughout the Broadcast Path from Microphone and Camera via Console and transmitters into The Screen and Speakers.

On the second day, some details on Analog transmission along with Digital transmission systems including prevailing standards and modulation technics were discussed about by Matt Ashe from Benchmark Broadcast Systems. Another interesting session was delivered on Immersive Sound and Audio Processing by Mr Geoffrey Low from Dolby Singapore. Before demonstrating the participants to have a feel into the Surround sounds experience, he gave the details of 5.1 surround sound understandings, its Production, Post Production and planning.

Another important topic on Radio studio and system design for the future, on the 3rd day, included the types of Radio Consoles and Central Routers, their Features, and other source components connected into it. Mr Bala M Subramaney from Astro Radio delivered the topic with other planning considerations that must be planned by Radio Broadcasters to survive in the future. IT Basics and Computer Networking that had details like computer network and its topology, OSI Model, Network components and cable was taught by Mr Ahmed Nadeem from ABU. He introduced on the SAN and NAS technologies with their architecture and use for Broadcasters.

The fourth day began with the session on Spectrum for Broadcasting Services with few details about Frequency Bands, ITU Frequency Allocation and Radio Regulations, VHF and UHF channels for TV broadcasting.  Mr Utpal Mandal from AIBD also talked about other issues such as TV Broadcast Planning methods, Propagation mechanism, Protection ratios and Interference issues. The session was followed by Mr Nadeem on File based Workflow and Automation. He demonstrated different audio and video file conversion examples with A/V setup. He pointed the importance of File Based workflow for Media Industry and broadcasters.

In the afternoon, the participants had a chance to visit Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) facilities including Transmission Operation Centre and Production & Control facilities of several RTM FM Radio channels. They interacted with the Engineers and Production staff in the RTM to get to know about different equipment and process workflow.

On the last day, Mr Noel Teng from myIAN sdn bhd had a talk on Cloud Computing explaining its role and necessity with technical details such as Cloud Computing Stack and Components required for its management. He briefed about Microsoft Azure Cloud service and its components with few video clips. The last technical session was on New Media Platforms, Online Delivery, Cybersecurity and Big Data Taken by Mr Nadeem from ABU Technology. He explained the use of cloud for On-Demand media such as AVOD, SVOD, TVOD before highlighting media platforms like IPTV, OTT, HBB and Social Media with few Audio Visual clips. He went on to point out few Cyber-Attack incidents on media and explained the role of Cybersecurity and WBU recommendations about it. Finally, he concluded the 5-day session with the introduction of Big Data and how the big players like Netflix, Youtube, Amazon, Instagram have been dealing with huge chunks of data for attracting Internet Savvy consumers. These technical-instructions session was followed by the certificate distribution ceremony on the last day. The participants, as well, shared their views on how the workshop and demonstration impacted their workshop experience.


The two-day workshop organised together with the ABU (Asia Broadcasting Union) and AIBD (Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development) was a first of its kind for DRM and was attended by many radio specialists from half a dozen Asian and African countries. The aim of the workshop was to introduce, demonstrate and discuss the benefits of DRM digital radio in meeting the diverse needs of countries wishing to offer full national coverage, regional and local flexible solutions with spectrum and energy savings in all bands (including VHF bands II and III) now.

DRM experts representing Fraunhofer IIS, RFmondial, the DRM Marketing Director and the Honorary Chairman of the DRM India Chapter struck a balance in their presentations between the theoretical aspects of the standard and the practical experience and lessons learned in many countries of the globe. DRM demonstrations on DRM receivers, hands-on sessions and the discussion of various scenarios kept participants fully engaged.

Ahmed Nadeem, the ABU Technical Director, thought the workshop was great “because it covered not only all the areas of the technology and the DRM solution itself but it also led to the understanding of the requirements and policy level decisions and what it entails in working with the regulator and planning the rollout of DRM step-by-step in the preferred bands, specially FM. The experiences shared from case studies like India and other countries were very valuable to all the participants.”

What struck Mr Utpal Kanti Mandal, the Programme Manager of AIBD, as well as Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Consortium Chair, was the exceptional level of participation during the workshop.” The over 60 questions asked during the two days certainly kept us on our toes,” said Ms Ruxandra Obreja. “They demonstrated a detailed understanding of the DRM possibilities but also the various options available when planning for a real roll out of digital radio.”


I found this workshop​ very ​informative, interactive and​ useful, giving me​ a​ clear picture​ about how​ DRM works.​  Furthermore, all the​ speakers’ presentation​s​ were​ interesting, relevant and​ applicable. Thank you​ for​ organising such a​ helpful workshop​ with good engagements from​ the participants.
Ms Jirayu Pukboonmee, Executive Director, Manager, Audio Media Center and Radio Station, Thai-PBS

Firstly I would like to acknowledge the ABU, AIBD and DRM for organising this workshop. We are privileged to be here attending this workshop as it is timely where we are discussing and  planning to implement DRM in our country, Papua New Guinea. The presentations were very informative and very encouraging for us. To know that the benefits and advantage of having the DRM compared to analogue system speaks for itself. We are looking at piloting the DRM project by simulcasting with our current systems in place. Having the geographical changes that we have and the consumption of power energy in our country is paramount. We see that what we’ve learnt for this past two days is very encouraging for us. Though it is challenging for us to go back to our country to start the process of preparation and the introduction of DRM, we are optimistic that it is achievable and it can be a reality for us.

Seloka Lewangu, Transmission Engineer, National Broadcasting Corporation, Papua New Guinea

Ignas Yanam, Executive Director, Engineering Divsion, National Broadcasting Corporation, Papua New Guinea

The workshop provided me with a new perspective of the DRM technology. Having myself worked on DRM transmitters on Ascension Island for the BBC broadcast to South Africa some years back I always had the feeling that the technology never really took off the ground. However the workshop proved otherwise and the new developments mentioned got me even more excited about DRM as a whole. This is one project which I would like to propose for my country after seeing all the benefits it can bring and hope that it is welcomed.
Herve CherryManager Engineering, Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation



The ABU arranged a visit to Astro-Malaysia for Mr Steeven Wesly Abel of VBTC-Vanuatu and Mr Robert VanSanten of FijiTV.  Mr Bala Murali Subramaney, Vice President for Engineering, Astro Radio was on hand to give both a briefing.

Regional Workshop on OTT and IBB Technologies and Services 2018; 23-25 October 2018 | Kuala Lumpur

REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON DIGITAL RADIO 23 to 27 July 2018, Kuala Lumpur

Developing skills to take radio into the 21st century
A DAB+ workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia last week saw a diverse mix of countries working together to take the next steps in establishing DAB+ digital radio.


The event was hosted by the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcast Development in conjunction with the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, Arab States Broadcasting Union and WorldDAB. The intensive 5-day technical workshop was attended by 35 representatives from 17 countries from Africa, the Middle East, South East Asia and the Pacific.


The workshop covered a wide range of topics, from the business case for DAB+ through to technical standards and systems operations and RF planning.


All sessions were well supported by the digital radio industry, with representatives from Paneda, Gates Air, R&S, ATDI and All In Media, along with presentations provided by receiver manufacturers VQ, Pure and Richter. In addition, Aaron Alphonso, CTO at Macquarie Media provided an insightful presentation on how the radio industry is moving forward in an increasingly connected world, with examples of why their radio stations are moving listeners to DAB+.


Delegates were also hosted by Radio Television Malaysia for an afternoon tour of their radio and television studios. RTM is currently undergoing substantial upgrades in facilities as they move forward to full digital infrastructure.


The workshop was led by Dr Les Sabel, who was particularly impressed with the way the delegates worked together. “The delegates were challenged to a rapid design exercise to provide DAB+ in an area of their choice,” he said. “The groups were very multicultural and the four teams worked well together, demonstrating their newly found skills to provide rollout plans for a number of scenarios.”


The delegates have now returned to their own countries to take the next steps in establishing DAB+ digital radio and enthusiastically taking radio into the 21st century. For more information on how WorldDAB is supporting the rollout of DAB+ digital radio in Asia Pacific, please contact the Project Office. Presentations from the workshop are available on request.



Closing Session | 18 July
Opening Day | 16 July


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Administered by the Technology Department this service provides the developing broadcasters among ABU members with the help they need in improving their standards of service and equip staff with skills needed to perform their responsibilities and planning new projects.

  • Assists in providing legal information and research material
  • Represents the ABU at the World Intellectual Property Organization
  • A platform to discuss relevant intellectual property rights issues

Connect with us

The Technology Department of the ABU undertakes wide range of activities addressing the current needs of the members. Connect with the Technical Department of ABU.

Address: Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union
2nd Floor, IPPTAR Building, Angkasapuri 50614, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Phone: +603 2282 3592
Fax: +603 2282 5292

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