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Don’t miss the chance to claim your call sign!

On 23 August, registration will open for one of the most exciting developments in radio in years, the opportunity to register your station or network’s brand as part of the new global .radio top level domain.

For a two month launch period, ABU members are being given first chance to register the name of their choice and to have that name, brand or call sign embedded forever in perhaps the best URL on earth.

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU), together with ABU and their partners are administering the .radio scheme which will expand your reach to every part of the globe with the simplest Internet address possible. 

It is vital you register your .radio domain name before 31 October, because after that date .radio domain names will be registered on a first-come first-served basis, which means you could lose your preferred .radio domain name to another radio organisation anywhere in the world. 

To secure your .radio domain(s), the process is simple.

On 23 August go to to stake your claim to your unique .radio URL. 

During the two-month launch period, the EBU, ABU and partners will be processing and assessing applications from the radio sector, allowing the genuine radio broadcasters to secure the domains to which they are entitled, before general availability.

Once your new .radio domain name is assigned and registered, you can start using it to attract listeners in your own country and around the world.

All the information is on the new scheme’s new website, and there’s a great video explaining the system and what you need to do in simple, straightforward language. 

For more specific information on your station or network, ABU members can contact the ABU Head of Radio.