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GA 2017: New Radio activities in the pipeline

The Radio Working Party meeting took place on Monday 30 October and was chaired by Ms Kartini Arrifin, Director of iM4U radio of Malaysia.

Ms Olya Booyar, ABU Head of Radio elaborated on all the radio activities held during the past year and announced that some new activities are being planned for 2018.

Among 2017 highlights were: RadioAsia 2017, ABU Prizes – 101 entries, In-country workshops on ABU Prizes and Mobile Journalism and ABU Music Exchange increased membership.

New Activities and initiatives include: dotRadio Top Level Domain for ABU members, ABU Sonic International Radio Drama Festival, ABU-Rai Digital Days and 2018 World Radio Day with the theme Sport and Radio. Radio Song Festival will come back next year and will held together with RadioAsia and Media 2020 in Astana, hosted byABU Member Kazmedia .

Suggestions from members for future activities included content exchange, co-productions, workshops on multi-platform storytelling and monetising radio.