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Women With the Wave – Promoting awareness of Gender and Diversity in Media

More than 70 delegates with 27 moderators and speakers attended the 6th Women With The Wave Forum (WWW) on 1 November 2017 in Chengdu, China.

Session moderators and presenters presented case studies, information and insights from Africa, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Europe, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and USA. The Forum was supported by ABU, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, France Medias Monde and Uni Apro. 

The objectives of the WWW Forum are to showcase content and services that communicate and reflect all groups in society and tell the stories of a diverse range of people; demonstrate policies and best practice, within the media workplace environment, with an emphasis on gender and diversity and a broader and more inclusive workforce and provide discussion and networking opportunities that bring together people, ideas and contacts that promote gender and diversity in the media across regions.

The seven sessions focused on:

  • Report of the ongoing work of UNESCO, UN Women, GAMAG, the African Broadcasting Union and the ABU in regard to gender and diversity in the media.
  • Perspectives and information about gender and diversity representation and content in the Chinese media.
  • Showcase of content that reflects diversity and raises issues that affect diverse groups.
  • Outline of the 2017 ABU and UNESCO Gender and Diversity workshops delivered during the year, with a detailed walk -through of the objectives and content and the background and response to the workshop content by the participating organisations.
  • Focus on disability discussion with an emphasis on representation, portrayal, stereotypes, language and accessible media.
  • The issues for journalists and support staff working in difficult locations and circumstances, particularly for women, and the types of support available.
  • Examples of covering stories in the community, both about and by, local people, including empowering and training them.