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RTHK radio show by autistic hosts raises awareness of disorders

A Child? A Guy! is a radio show on Radio Television Hongkong’s CIBS (Community Involvement Broadcasting Service), which is produced and presented by people living with autism.

CIBS is a platform for the community, non-government organisations and the underprivileged to participate in broadcasting. Currently CIBS is open for independent production of radio programmes by such local organisations and individuals.

Since the program was launched in July, the hosts of A Child? A Guy! have been striving to help the public better understand autism by highlighting the challenges faced by autistic people in Hong Kong. 

Three of the four hosts and presenters of the show are between 24 and 35, and were diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome – a type of developmental disorder characterised by difficulties with social interaction and non-verbal communication.

People with Asperger’s are usually educated in mainstream schools as IQ ranges from normal to high. The show aims to educate the public by sharing the daily experiences of those living with the disorder, from difficulties with job interviews to love life.

It explores the difficulties encountered by autistic people and by comparing the situations of local and overseas autistic people, the program also explores how to facilitate autistic people in connecting with the local community.

According to a 2014 census report, there were 10,200 autistic people in Hong Kong and even in the government, there are only 18 autistic patients in the 170,000 civil service staff. 

RTHK CIBS programmes air Monday to Friday from 8 to 10 pm and on weekends from 8 to 11 pm on RTHK Putonghua Channel which broadcasts on AM 621 and FM 100.9 in Happy Valley, Causeway Bay, Wan Chai and Tuen Mun North; and on FM 103.3 Tseung Kwan O, Tin Shui Wai.