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ABU In-country capacity building workshops

Mr Ko Young Joon, “GoPD”, who is on secondment to ABU Programme Department from Educational Broadcasting System (EBS), Korea. He has an extensive experience and expertise as producer and reporter at EBS. As Executive Programme Specialist at ABU, he is happy to share his experience in programme making/news reporting and offer your organisation the capacity-building/training workshop (WS) focusing on following three themes:

1) Practical Video Clip Production WS

This WS is hands-on training focuses on making effective short video clips for various platforms and various purposes including educational, campaign and news programmes. 3-days WS for TV and radio producers and reporters.

Previous WSs

a) ABU-IPPTAR-RTM ABU Prizes Workshop (26-27 April, 2017, Kuala Lumpur)

This workshop was designed to provide producers, editors and journalists of RTM the knowledge and skills that are essential in TV Campaign production. The workshop were held for 2 days. One day was for Interactive lectures. The other day was for group assignment. 4 Participants were grouped as one team including one editor each group.

b) AIBD/FBC In-Country Workshop on Television Promo Production (25-28 September, 2017, Suva Fiji)

This workshop was designed to provide TV producers, directors and script writers the knowledge and skills that are essential in producing television promos. The workshop were composed of 11 sessions of interactive lecture and 4 sessions of team assignment including editing drill practice and presentation tricks. Interactive lectures were composed of question and answer pairs using visual materials such as photos and video clips. 4 Participants were grouped as one team and the group assignments were performed in a teams level.

2)   TV Formats WS

This WS will enable you to understand and create TV formats through practical case studies. 3-days WS for TV people.

3)   Science Programme & Journalism WS

Participants at this WS will learn how to make science programmes or science news clips based on science literacy and risk communication. 3-days WS for producers or reporters both TV and radio.

Previous WS


This workshop focused on the theory and ways of practical broadcast production in science journalism. There were 8 sessions on the risk communication, conflict management and practical drill in making scientific programs. 3 experts were invited for this workshop; a professor from Korea, TV producer from NHK, Japan, and government official from Malaysia.


For further enquiries, please contact:

Ko Young Joon (Mr)

Executive Programme Specialist

Tel: +603 2282 5690
