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Climate Change Crisis Cannot Be Fought in Isolation, Says Fiji PM

The climate change crisis facing the world cannot be fought in isolation and this unprecedented crisis must be faced by all nations together, said the Fiji Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama. He added that the Pacific island nations are at the frontline of this crisis which is threatening their very survival.

Mr Bainimarama said this in his keynote address at the opening of the 4th ABU Media Summit on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) and the 9th ABU Pacific Media Partnership Conference (PMPC) in Nadi, Fiji, today. See the full speech of the Prime Minister here.

The keynote address was delivered by The Fiji Attorney General and Minister for Finance, Public Enterprise, Civil Service and Communications Mr Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum.

The ABU Secretary General Dr Javad Mottaghi, in welcome address, said the ABU and its membership wished to put the media at the service of the people. He said this would help create the platform for constructive dialogue to together tackle the challenges posed by climate change. He added that the hosting of the CCDRR/PMPC in Fiji showed the ABU’s strong commitment to the development of the media in the Pacific region.

The CC & DRR Media Summit /PMPC is hosted by the Fiji government and jointly organized by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), Fiji Broadcasting Corporation (FBC) and Fiji TV. It has attracted some 160 participants from 22 countries. 

The Summit is being live streamed on You Tube at