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World Radio Day – Rights Free Spots to ABU Members

More than 120 years ago scientists created the first radio capable of transmitting messages without wires across long distances – an invention that changed humankind. For the first time, people could send each other messages free from the restraints of fixed wires.

Radio grew rapidly, quickly becoming a medium for sharing information, for entertaining, warning, informing and linking individuals and nations together across communities, countries and continents.

World Radio Day, is a time for us to celebrate the achievements of all the pioneers and the people who followed in their footsteps. The people in every country who have brought radio to billions of men, women and children in homes, cars, schools and workplaces around the world.

Radio has changed beyond recognition from the earliest of transmitters and wireless receivers, but it is still as important today as it ever has been. It is changing even now with modern technologies such as digital radio and radio over the Internet, on mobile phones and personal devices.

However, at its heart, radio is still doing what it has always done – bringing people together.

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) is proud to support World Radio Day across our region – which constituted half the earth’s surface, home to half the world’s population.

The United Nations and its partners such as the ABU, have chosen to celebrate World Radio Day 2018 with a focus on Sport, an especially significant theme while the Winter Olympics are taking place in our region, in South Korea.

Whatever programs you are making today and whatever programs you are listening to, take a moment to think about the power of radio and its importance in your lives and the wellbeing of your families, friends, neighbours and fellow citizens.

The ABU has more than 270 member broadcasters, some small but many with large networks of stations around their nations, meaning that the ABU can speak on behalf of thousands of individual radio stations serving billions of listeners.

We congratulate all those people across the Asia-Pacific region and around the world who are making programs for their listeners, whether as professionals or as volunteers on community radio.

To each and every listener we say “Thank you! Thank you for keeping this marvellous thing called radio in your life”.