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Digital Radio Mondiale Wraps up its General Assembly in Spain

Under the banner “Digital Radio Mondiale Drives Forward”, the 2018 General Assembly of the DRM Consortium took place on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th of April, at the Palma Bellver Bay Meliá Hotel on Mallorca hosted by Bosch and RFmondial. 

The General Assembly set the strategy and working plan for the next year for DRM. This year’s Assembly also elected the Chair and the main bodies of this not-for-profit organisation.  The only additions to the existing Steering Board are Nautel and RRI (Indonesian public broadcaster).   The other Board members are: Ampegon, BBC, Babcock International, Fraunhofer IIS, NXP, RFmondial and Thomson Broadcast.  Thomson Broadcast also joined the Executive Board and Ruxandra Obreja was re-elected Chair of the Consortium.

The meeting was an excellent opportunity for members and guests from Asia, Africa and Europe to review all the activities of the past year, receive updates from country representatives and specialists from all the corners of the globe on an outstanding year of progress for DRM.  

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