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ABU RadioAsia and Media2020 – Register Now!

Two of ABU’s key media events will be staged in Astana, Kazakhstan, from 10-12 July – the RadioAsia Conference, and the cross-continental Media2020 Dialogue on radio, TV and new media. The program is out and you can register here

The three days will include practical demonstrations, showcases, master classes and workshops from top experts in storytelling, social media, technical as well as research innovation fields.

Together with the finals of the ABU Radio Song Festival, Astana 2018 will be a meeting of cultures, peoples and minds.

RadioAsia 2018, with the theme Radio – Unity and Diversity, will address in very practical ways one of the greatest challenges facing Radio in the Second Digital Age as broadcasters around the world venture deeper and deeper into areas where new technologies, platforms and production methods become increasingly flexible and volatile, where convergence one minute becomes divergence the next.

Media2020, established in 2015 by the ABU and Radio Romania, and this year titled “Looking beyond the horizon”, will examine today’s broadcasting from three perspectives: Are digital media developing in the way predicted earlier in the Second Digital Age? What has proved successful and what is failing? What is coming over the horizon to hit us, as we get closer to 2020?