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Coming soon to UAE, Chinese TV series in Arabic: China Media Group and CATV sign agreement

Popular Chinese TV series like Ode to Joy, Beijing Youth and Jin Tailang’s Happy Life will be dubbed in Arabic and broadcast on Dubai-based China Arab TV (CATV), it was announced on Saturday.

Li Lingbing, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Dubai, said the launch of popular Chinese films and TV series in Dubai will help foster mutual understanding of each other’s cultures and deepen the friendship between the two peoples.

Sun Yusheng, vice-president of the China Central Television (CCTV), said: “UAE-China strategic partnership is deepening. The media from China and the UAE have cooperated to broadcast popular Chinese films and TV series dubbed in Arabic. This move meets the demand of the era and plays a positive role in deepening the mutual understanding and communication of the two people.”