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The National Broadcasting Services of Thailand terminates its analog broadcasting services, switches to a digital-only operation

The switch, which is accompanied by investment in modern equipment, vastly improves the station’s broadcast quality. 

The termination came after the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission gave its approval to the station’s transition plan to move from analog to digital services. 

The NBT operated on the analog system for more than three decades. It has been testing its digital system over the past two years while maintaining its analog services. The station’s administration decided that it is ready for full-on digital services and terminated the analog system on the night of July 15th. 

Deputy Director-General of the Public Relations Department Dr. Charoon Chaisorn and members of the NBT board visited Baiyoke Tower II and personally switched off the outdated system, officially marking the arrival of the station’s digital era. 

NBT staff also deployed the latest technology and equipment to ensure the highest quality of the station’s programs. The NBT’s live broadcasting capacity has also expanded to cover all corners of the Kingdom. 

The station’s digital programs can be viewed on modern televisions. Older TV models can also view its High-Definition content via set-top boxes. Alternatively, internet users can watch NBT online on its NBT2HD Facebook fan page.