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PTV World Programme wins AIBD best TV Programme Award 2018

Pakistan Telivision (PTV) Producer Farhan Dogar has won international AIBD best TV programme award 2018. This would be the first time in 40 years that PTV has won this award.

This PTV World Programme won AIBD best TV programme Award 2018 for the category of Netizens (Uplifting society through internet). The programme’s theme is highlighting that the internet has become the most powerful communication medium offering great possibilities for social changes. With the evolution of internet in terms of speed, interactivity and accessibility, it is creating its own culture thus raising many opportunities as well as challenges.

In other categories, Channel News Asia Singapore won best TV programme on Youth Mental Health, while Best Radio programme went to China National Radio in the category of uplifting communities through sustainable tourism. All India Radio won a Radio award for diversity through sports.

The Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) was established in 1977 under the auspices of UNESCO.