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India celebrates 72nd Independence Day, Doordarshan makes special arrangements

Doordarshan-DDI, has made special arrangements for a seamless telecast of the event and will  showcase the grandeur of India and its splendour, diversity, heritage  and  greatness in various fields like Music, Dance, Art &Culture, Sports and  Wildlife. DDI will also trace the development of India and highlight the great country that India has become in 71 years of Independence.

The live coverage in High Definition involves 22 cameras at Red Fort and 4 cameras at Rajghat for the coverage of Homage to Father of the Nation by the Prime Minister.

This year, the Production plan has been enhanced using  one additional  camera on the ramparts  at Red fort. It is for the first time that the Doordarshan Anchors will introduce the event from the ramparts of Red Fort. And in another first, PM Modi’s speech will be live streamed on Google.