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New technologies an opportunity rather than a challenge, says ABU SG

Forward looking broadcasters view the rapid advances in technology as an opportunity rather than a challenge, the ABU Secretary-General, Dr Javad Mottaghi, said today.

Dr Mottaghi told the Technical Committee in Ashgabat that media consumption was becoming more and more personal. 

“New technologies, new media platforms and wide accessibility to broadband services is increasing the demand for content to be delivered on all platforms for the audience who now prefer to consume their preferred content at their preferred times on their preferred devices.”

Making use of new digital technologies, such as big data, to understand the preferences of the audience was key to developing an edge over the competition, he said. 

More ABU members should start using such techniques to gauge their audience’s needs.

Dr Mottaghi also urged more members to showcase their ideas and solutions at the annual ABU Digital Broadcasting Symposium, which celebrates its 15th anniversary next year.

The two-day Technical Committee meeting continues tomorrow.