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Opening Ceremony featuring Turkmen music and dance kicks off the 55th ABU General Assembly

The opening ceremony of the 55th ABU Genera Assembly was kicked off in grand Turkmen fashion by a traditional performance by local musicians and dancers who performed in full traditional regalia.

The special guest of the opening ceremony Madam Bahargul Abdieva, Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of of Ministers of Turkmenistan then addressed the audience in Turkmen. She welcomed all to the GA and expanded on the good and broad regional relations Turkmenistan enjoys and the value it placed on being a committed member of the ABU family.

Mr Nurmammet Garlyyev, Chairperson of the State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Film of Turkmenistan addressed the audience and stated his appreciation for all in attendance.

ABU Acting President Ms Supriya Sahu spoke at length on the strong bonds the ABU fosters amongst its 279 members across Asia and the Pacific. She said the changing ways media is consumed by younger generations is posing challenges to the region’s broadcasters and the event was a good way for broadcasters to learn and network with each other. ABU Secretary General Dr Javad Mottaghi then took the stage and greeted the audience in multiple languages. He equated the ABU as a garden made up of various flowers, coming in the form of its plethora of members. He wished all in attendance an enjoyable experience at the GA.

With those points made, the GA was underway!